I noticed on one of the commercial data repositories, you know, those resources that resell free (public domain) data... one place is trying to hock NOAA RNC data for about $150... Ouch! As a gift to you here's where you can grab these data for yourself - http://chartmaker.ncd.noaa.gov/mcd/Raster/download.htm - enjoy! About these data - The NOAA RNCs™ distributed here are geo-referenced, full-color images of NOAA’s paper nautical charts, published by NOAA in the .BSB format. NOAA updates the RNCs for Notices to Mariners on a weekly basis. They are an official product of NOAA, and meet the S-61 Standard, “Raster Navigational Charts”, of the International Hydrographic Organization. Think GeoTIFF charts!