Syria Geological Maps 1:200,000
SYRIA 1:200K Geological Maps/Syrian Arab Republic, Ministry of Industry, Department of Geological and Mineral Research; 1963. 19 Total Sheets, Contours 20m
Syria Geological Maps 1:50,000
SYRIA 1:50K Geological Maps/Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Syrian Arab Republic, 1978-1996.
Topographic Maps of Madagascar (1:50,000)
Thematic Maps of Belarus
Albania 1:25,000 Scale Topographic Mapping
Albania 1:25,000 (Republika Popullore Socialiste e Shqiperise 1:25,000) / Institutin Topografik te Ushtrise. Tirane : ITU. Contour interval: 10m. 6 colors. 1959-1990, 45x47cm.
Hong Kong 1:20,000 Scale Topographic Mapping
Hong Kong 1:20,000 (HM20C Series). Hong Kong Land Development, 1992 -7. 16 total sheets, contours interval 20m, UTM projection, WGS84 Datum
Hong Kong 1:50,000 Scale Topographic Mapping
Philippines 1:250,000 Scale Topographic Mapping
P.C.G.S. 1:250,000 (S-2500) / National Mapping & Resource Information Authority; Manila, Philippines, 1972-1999. 55 total sheets, 5 col., contours 100m, Transverse Mercator Projection, Clarke Spheroid 1866 Luzon Datum, 73X57 cm
Philippines 1:5,000 Scale Topographic Mapping
Philippines 1:5,000 / National Mapping & Resource Information Authority.
French Polynesia Topographic Maps (Iles des Tuamotu)